Amiga Plus 2000 #4
Amiga Plus CD - 2000 - No. 4.iso
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Text File
511 lines
;Install script for WebPlug version 1.45 © 1998 Esteve Boix
;This install script is © Bo Liljegren (bosse@algonet.se)
;Updated 04/98 Esteve Boix (again :)
(complete 0)
;Pure sequrity. If the Installer, by some strange reason,
; can't find the default language, it will use english
; Actually, I've removed the other languages :P
(set default_lang 2)
; English strings
;(if (= @language "english")
(set default_lang 2)
(set #low-user-level
(cat "\nWebPlug installation requires at least the \"Average\" user level.\n\n"
"Restart installation and select appropriate user level."
(set #ask-upgrade
(cat "\nIs this a new installation or\n"
"an upgrade?\n\n"
"A reinstallation is equal an upgrade"
(set #upgr-choice-upgr
(cat "An upgrade"
(set #upgr-choice-new
(cat "New installation"
(set #which-oldfile
(cat "Where is the program webPlug?\n(The program, NOT the directory webPlug)\n"
(set #mess-oldinstaller1
(cat "\nYou are using an old version\nof the Installer program. (%ld.%ld)\n\n"
(set #mess-oldinstaller2
(cat "Please use the Installer v43.3"
(set #mess-obsoletekick
(cat "webPlug requires AmigaDOS version 3.0 or higher\nPrevious versions are no longer supported..."
(set #mess-nomui
(cat "\nwebPlug requires MUI.\nNo muimaster.library is found.\n\n"
"Sorry, can not continue the installation"
(set #mess-oldmui
(cat "\nwebPlug requires MUI version 3.8 or higher.\n\n"
"That means muimaster.library ver 19.35\n"
"You have version %ld.%ld\n\n"
"Sorry, can not continue the installation"
(set #which-directory
(cat "Where do you want to install webPlug ?\n(A drawer named \"webPlug\" WILL be created)"
(set #confirm-adddocs
(cat "\n\nWould you like to install the (HTML) documentation?"
(set #confirm-custom-dirs
(cat "\n\nWould you like to install the CustomTags and CustomStrings directories?"
(set #which-language
(cat "\nWhich languages should be installed?\n(english is built-in)"
(set #prompt-makemaindir
(cat "Going to create webPlug's dir"
(set #prompt-copybrowserlinks
(cat "Going to copy the BrowserLinks dir"
(set #prompt-copyplugins
(cat "Going to copy the plugins dir"
(set #prompt-adddocs
(cat "Going to copy the (HTML) documentation"
(set #prompt-texteditor
(cat "About to install the Texteditor.mcc"
(set #prompt-betterstring
(cat "About to install the BetterString.mcc"
(set #prompt-popcolor
(cat "About to install the PopColor.mcc"
(set #prompt-customtags
(cat "About to install the CustomTags directory"
(set #prompt-customstrings
(cat "About to install the CustomStrings directory"
(set #prompt-copytoolicons
(cat "About to copy the toolbar image files"
(set #prompt-executable
(cat "Going to copy webPlug's executable"
(set #mess-congra
(cat "\nCongratulations, webPlug is now installed.\n\n"
(set #mess-docsfound
(cat "The documentation is in html format and\n"
"can be found in the directory \"%s\"\n"
"Please used your favorite browser to read it.\n"
"Start with the document \"webPlug.html\"\n\n"
(set #mess-shareware
(cat "webPlug is released as Shareware.\n"
"The fee is only $10, so please consider\n"
"registering it if you use it.\n\n"
; procedure to copy the language catalogs
(procedure P_InstLocale
(set n 0)
(while (set #language (select n "català"
; "italiano"
; "português"
; "norsk"
(if (IN #locales n)
;; The english language is built in. No need to install it
(if (<> 1 n)
(source (tackon "/bin/locale/catalogs/" #language))
(dest (tackon "LOCALE:Catalogs" #language))
(set n (+ n 1))
; check user-level
(if (< @user-level 1)
(abort (#low-user-level @app-name))
; variable setup
(set #installver (/ @installer-version 65536))
(set #installrev (- @installer-version (* #installver 65536)))
(set #tempversion (getversion))
(set #osversion (/ #tempversion 65536))
(set #osrevision (- #tempversion (* #osversion 65536)))
(set #adddocs 0)
(set #frominstdir (pathonly @icon))
(set #frominstdir (substr #frominstdir 0 (- (strlen #frominstdir) (strlen "/install"))))
; check installer version
(if (< #installver 43)
(abort (#mess-oldinstaller1 #installver #installrev)
; check kickstart version
(if (< #osversion 37)
(abort #mess-obsoletekick)
; Display picture
(if (> (exists ("c:multiview")) 0) (set #mv "c:") )
(if (> (exists ("sys:utilities/multiview")) 0) (set #mv "sys:Utilities") )
(if (> (exists ("sys:tools/multiview")) 0) (set #mv "sys:Tools") )
(if (<> #mv 0)
((run (cat "run " (tackon #mv "multiview ") "/docs/pics/webPlugS.gif"))))
; check mui (MUI 3.8 = muimaster.library V19.35)
(if (= (exists "LIBS:muimaster.library" (noreq)) 1)
(set #tempver (getversion "LIBS:muimaster.library"))
(set #muiver (/ #tempver 65536))
(set #muirev (- #tempver (* #muiver 65536)))
(if (< #muiver 19)
(abort (#mess-oldmui #muiver #muirev))
((abort #mess-nomui))
; ask new install or upgrade
(set #b-upgrade
(prompt #ask-upgrade)
(help @askbool-help)
(choices #upgr-choice-upgr #upgr-choice-new)
; where should webPlug be installed
(if (= (exists "Work:" (noreq)) 2)
(set #def-dest "Work:")
(set #def-dest "SYS:")
; if upgrade, where is the old program?
(if (= 1 #b-upgrade)
(set #oldprogfile
(prompt #which-oldfile)
(help @askdir-help)
(default #def-dest)
(set #directory (pathonly (#oldprogfile)))
;; If Docs directory exists, new documentation will be installed!
(if (= (exists (tackon #directory "Docs") (noreq)) 2)
(set #adddocs 1)
; else new install
((set #directory
(prompt #which-directory)
(help @askdir-help)
(default #def-dest)
(complete 10)
; should documentation be installed?
(if (OR (= #adddocs 0) (= @user-level 2))
(set #adddocs
(prompt #confirm-adddocs)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1)
(complete 20)
; should CustomTags and CustomStrins directories be installed?
(set #addcustom
(prompt #confirm-custom-dirs)
(help @askbool-help)
(default 1)
(complete 20)
; which languages should be installed?
(set #locales
(prompt #which-language)
(help @askoptions-help)
; "Italiano (not complete)"
; "Português (not complete)"
; "Norsk (not complete)"
(default default_lang)
(complete 30)
; if new installation create the main directory
(if (= 0 #b-upgrade)
(set @default-dest (tackon #directory "webPlug"))
(prompt #prompt-makemaindir)
(help @makedir-help)
(complete 40)
; and copying icon file for main program/directory
(source (cat #frominstdir ".info"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest '/'))
(newname 'webPlug.info' )
(help @copyfiles-help)
; else just set @default-dest
(set @default-dest #directory)
(complete 50)
; copy the BrowserLinks directory
(source "/bin/BrowserLinks")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "BrowserLinks"))
(prompt #prompt-copybrowserlinks)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 60)
; copy the "toolicons" directory
(source "/bin/toolicons")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "toolicons"))
(prompt #prompt-copytoolicons)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 65)
; copy the (HTML) documentation
(set #docs-dest (tackon @default-dest "Docs"))
(if (= 1 #adddocs)
(source "/docs")
(dest #docs-dest)
(prompt #prompt-adddocs)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 70)
; copy the CustomTags and CustomStrins directories
(set #docs-dest (tackon @default-dest "Docs"))
(if (= 1 #adddocs)
(source "/bin/CustomStrings")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "CustomStrings"))
(prompt #prompt-customstrings)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/bin/CustomTags")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "CustomTags"))
(prompt #prompt-customstags)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 75)
; install the PopColor.mcc progdir:mui/
(source "/bin/mui/popcolor.mcc")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "mui"))
(prompt #prompt-popcolor)
; install the Texteditor.mcc MUI:Libs/mui/
(source "/bin/mui/texteditor.mcc")
(dest "mui:libs/mui")
(prompt #prompt-texteditor)
; install the BetterString.mcc MUI:Libs/mui/
(source "/bin/mui/betterstring.mcc")
(dest "mui:libs/mui")
(prompt #prompt-betterstring)
(complete 85)
; install executable files for webPlug
(source "/bin/webPlug")
(dest @default-dest)
(prompt #prompt-executable)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 90)
; install sample plugins for webPlug
(source "/bin/webplugins")
(dest (tackon @default-dest "webplugins"))
(prompt #prompt-plugins)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(complete 95)
; procedure to copy the language catalogs
;Close the mlutiview window
(rexx "quit_multiview.rexx")
(complete 100)
; That's it!
(if (= 1 #adddocs)
(set #exit-text (cat #mess-congra (#mess-docsfound #docs-dest) #mess-shareware))
(set #exit-text (cat #mess-congra #mess-shareware) )
(exit (#exit-text) )